Murphys on the Move

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Lake Tom Bailey

Toomsuba, Mississippi

Terrain // Grass + Lake | Cost // $22/night | Our Rating // 5

Ohio decided it needed to snow and drop below freezing the week before our departure date. We definitely didn’t want our pipes to freeze, but we also didn’t want to winterize our camper for less than a week. So we cut up a tarp, got a roll of tape, and stuck two space heaters under the camper. And it worked! It’s a wonder that our make-shift insulation lasted the whole week.

On November 19th, we got up at 4:30 am to finish packing the camper and prep our house for emptiness. We’re definitely going to miss home.

The first leg of our trip was a bit windy, but everything was going great. Then, 12 miles from our first stop, we blew a camper tire on the highway. 😅Luckily, Michael was able to get it changed relatively unscathed. But we did learn a couple of lessons.

  1. Check the size of your tire lugs. Our spare had a different size than the original.

  2. Make sure your toolbox is easy to access. Ours definitely was not.

After that fiasco, we made it to our destination. It was late and dark outside, so we didn’t realize there were electric hookups until the morning. We stayed at Lake Tom Bailey, which was a decent little stop.


Make sure you know the size of the lugs of your tires, and make sure you have the proper sockets ready to go if needed. The spare may be a different size!